The age acceleration principle explains the sense of annual events seeming to come more quickly each year. It is a little known principle of physics that for every earth year one ages, the personal experience of time accelerates by a factor of 2. In cases of illness and catastrophe, the 2X factor, given the severity of the case, can rapidly increase and may temporarily or permanently reach much higher levels.
The reversal of the 2X factor is a futile goal for many. For most, attempts to reduce the 2X principle have been proven to be only cosmetic. An altered state of consciousness may produce a profound change in the personal experience of time and in most instances only lasts for a very fleeting moment.
An altered state of consciousness may be entered into in various ways. Entry into such a state may be passive or active. At the chromosomal/protein/enzyme level, changes to neural chemistry affected by the activation or suppression of genes by environmental factors should be considered as a passive mode entry. Active entry mode too, involves changes to neural chemistry but is consciously enacted through one or more of the following methods; the ingestion of chemicals, use of repetitive physical stress to increase internal dopamine levels, the deliberate focus of one’s internal bioelectric energy towards specific areas of the brain, the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous system.