Wednesday, January 11, 2006

beginning of Otalk

This will be a verbal site perhaps integrating graphic images to illustrate points. The site for my purely graphics presentations is
My Images

I welcome participation in discussing the topics presented


Can one be intelligent and claim faith in a supernatural being?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There appear to be many intelligent people who claim to have faith in a supernatural being (or beings).

Of course, if you de facto define having faith in supernatural beings as something only stupid or ignorant people would do, then you will most likely re-categorize people in the above category as not possessing intelligence.

I have known many people who seemed quite intelligent yet had such faith based beliefs. I have never been able to understand how intelligent people come to hold such beliefs, at least as adults; most, though, have held these sorts of beliefs since early developmental stages (prior to formal operations, when their parents/ministers/priests/ or whoever indoctrinated them with some particular religious dogma), and after reaching an age at which rational thought became possible, their religious belief systems were maintained in a sort of protected lacune, immune to the reason that they quite happily would apply in other unprotected areas of life.

10:11 PM  

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